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One Step Polish Wax

An aqua green, liquid wax contains mild abrasives that strips away oxidation and minor paint imperfections and silicones with carnauba wax produces a high gloss swirl free finish with long-lasting protection.

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  • Removes light to medium scratches, oxidation and swirl marks.
  • Generates deep gloss.
  • Creates barrier that protects paint from UV rays and surface contaminants.
  • Keeps your car looking as new.

How to use

  • High Speed Buffer

    1. Dust off or wash your car to get rid of any dirt or dust particles.
    2. Following steps to be done starting from the roof, proceeding to the hood, trunk and sides.
    3. Apply a small amount of the product directly on the painted surface or on every quadrant of the polishing pad.
    4. Buff a 2’X2’ area by keeping the polishing pad flat on the surface, and applying even pressure until the product is dry.
    5. Remove the residue with clean soft microfibre.
  • Orbital Buffer / Hand

    1. Dust off or wash your car to get rid of any dirt or dust particles.
    2. Following steps to be done starting from the roof, proceeding to the hood, trunk and sides.
    3. Apply product evenly over a painted surface with a moist polishing bonnet or applicator sponge.
    4. Use even pressure in circular motion to remove swirls and minor scratches and allow it to dry to haze.
    5. Remove the residue with clean soft microfibre.


  1. Ensure vehicle is not under direct sunlight while polishing.
  2. Wash the polishing pads regularly after every use.

Technical Data Sheet


Master Safety Data Sheet