Choosing the right time to get your car washed is more an art than science. To maximize the effectiveness of washing your car by hand, does the time of day matter? The short answer is YES, especially during summer months. Several factors can make it difficult to make a wash effective including heat, sunlight, weather, and a few other factors.
Washing Your Car in Hot Weather
In an ideal situation you would never usually attempt to wash your car in hot weather or direct sunlight for various different reasons, the main one being that the shampoo residue and rinse water can quickly dry onto the surface of the paintwork resulting in unsightly water spotting, streaking and drip marks which can often be difficult to remove and which can actually damage the paintwork in some instances. It is not however, always possible to wash your car in complete shade or cool conditions only, especially if you live in a particularly sunny or hot climate and so washing your car in the heat can often be unavoidable.
The most sensible thing to do if you have to wash your car in direct sunlight or a hot climate is to wash it earlier in the morning before the heat of the sun begins to really set in, or later on in the evening when temperatures have dropped and the sun is at a lower level in the sky.
It’s better not to wash the car in a windy day, because flying sand and dust will adhere to the washed car surfaces and it will cause scratches when you wipe with a microfiber or apply a wax.
4 Do’s and Don’ts - Tips for washing your car outside
Do: Wash your car in sections during hot days
Even in the shade, it is much easier to wash in sections to ensure you remove the soap as quickly as possible. In other words, keep your wash bucket and hose nearby at all times! Usually keep a sponge in one hand, and the hose in the other as you make your way around the vehicle.
Do: Wash your car after rain
One misconception most people believe is that rain is just a natural way to wash dirt off of your vehicle, but that’s not always the case. The chemicals and contaminants left behind after a rainstorm can damage paint, and lead to rusting.
Even if your car gets rained on in your driveway, acid rain can be a problem (depending on where you live), causing swirls and dried pollutants on the surface. Acid rain caused by pollutants are pretty common in industrialized areas.
Don’t: Wash in direct sunlight
If you can help it, try to wash your vehicle in a shady area instead of direct sunlight to avoid soap sticking to the surface, leaving behind streaking and water spots.
It’s sometimes hard to tell soap has dried until the next time you wash your car, and you spray it with water, only to notice some suds left behind.
Don’t: Wash your car at night
Once the sun goes down, it can be difficult to get your car completely dry, which may be a problem. A damp vehicle surface can lead to corrosion since you don’t have the benefit of the sunlight to aid in this process.
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